About Me

An ardent constitutionalist who believes that any nation with a powerful central government and no governing document is nothing more than AUTHORITARIANISM. I want to point out the duplicitous nature of DC, and the merits of individual liberty.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Find Out if YOU are a Potential Terrorist

As if the Patriot Act wasn't bad enough, classifying protesters as terrorists and placing them on a list for warrant-less government surveillance, the NDAA takes it about a million steps farther and made it "legal" (if you're one of these people who thinks we shouldn't have a constitution) for the Federal government to subject you to a ridiculous barrage of nasty treatment that has unfortunately come to define American exceptionalism in the Obama (and Bush) era. 

First, lets look at what has been established as acceptable treatment for "suspected terrorists":
1.) Assassination.  As with Al-Awlaki and his 16 year old son (who's only crime was "having an irresponsible father" according the the White House).  That'll teach him what happens when you make some trifflin' ass YouTube videos.  We'll merc your seed just to prove a point.
2.) Secret arrest by the military, followed by indefinite detention in a military facility, no charges, no trial, no phone call, you wanna lawyer? Take it away Lindsey!
3.)  You may just luck out and rot away in an military prison in America OR you may be shipped off to a foreign country.  What has been obliquely dubbed "extraordinary rendition"  (Here we always thought that special treatment was reserved for Afghanis.)
4.) Torture or copacetic interrogation or whatever you want to call it. A precedent set by the Bush administration, delegated to foreign governments by The Great One, glorified by the movie Zero Dark Thirty, and seen as pretty awesome by flag-humpers so long as the victims are maligned in the news    
5.)  After all that rigamarole, even if you NEVER WERE a threat in the first place AND you have contracted Stockholm Syndrome, you STILL may be considered "radicalized".  These lucky few (actually probably the majority) are considered unfit to ever see the light of day, or at least without a whole mess of brainwashing.  But hey, a lot of brainwashing never hurt anybody, just look around at the general public.

Pretty intense huh?  Thank Jesus this treatment only applies to those degenerate-heathen-savages of the muslim persuasion.  Our government knows that us white folk would never do anything cray. Huh?  Bradley who? Oh snap! 1,000 days and counting with no trial, and inhumane conditions to boot?  For leaking documents????  Reminds me of Aaron Schwartz (Rest In Peace).  I guess the pasty-face is no longer a get-out-of-torture-free card.  Truth is, Homeland Security declassified a report in 2009 which outlines the qualifications for being "suspected" of terrorism.  (remember, suspicion is all it takes for you to get disappeared thanks to the NDAA).  Let me share this with you. 

*This is the fun part where you get to find out if you are a potential terrorist.*
        References for this list here: http://www.wnd.com/2009/04/94803/ unless otherwise provided

Are/do you.....

1.) Opposed to abortion
2.) Opposed to illegal immigration
3.) A veteran (support the troops!!!! Until they come home apparently)
4.) Buy weapons and ammo "in anticipation of a ban" in some parts of the country
5.) Support 3rd party political candidates
6.) Right-wing
7.) Christian
8.) Oppose Federal taxes

Believe in the following "conspiracy theories"

9.) Gun confiscation
10.) Citizen detention (FEMA) camps (Emergency Centers Establishment Act) (PLEASE READ THIS ONE > Camp "Freedom" Hurricane Sandy)
11.) One world government (We Need a Global Carbon Tax-WSJ) (Global Internet Treaty)

US Military under NATO/UN authority!

12.) "Stockpile" food (7 days worth)

  If you're not a terrorist yet, don't feel left out.  That is just one document released by one agency.  There is almost a countless number of mainstream beliefs and activities that may qualify you for that free vacation to Yemen: http://www.infowars.com/you-are-a-terrorist/  All of you activists, travellers, coin collectors, loners, photographers, nice average-looking guys in levi's who may or may not use a cell phone (the list is endless), we are all a part of the potential terrorist club.  So the next time you're at Wal-Mart and the TV screen at the checkout is telling you to report suspicious activity (if you haven't seen these, I have), remember, if you're not a spy for the feds, you're probably a terrorist.  Smile for the camera!

1 comment:

  1. great post! Loved all the videos supporting your claims. scary shit
