About Me

An ardent constitutionalist who believes that any nation with a powerful central government and no governing document is nothing more than AUTHORITARIANISM. I want to point out the duplicitous nature of DC, and the merits of individual liberty.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Ron Paul quotes Jesus, Chris Kyle channels Caligula

"He that lives by the sword, dies by the sword"

Reminiscent of getting booed for talking about the Golden Rule, Ron Paul is catching some heat for speaking unpopular truths. He made a career of telling people things they would rather not hear.  Its easy to say we support the troops, but people don't want to hear the veterans are committing suicide in record numbers.  22 per day on average.  Its also worth noting that the Department of Homeland Security has made it clear numerous times that veterans are the new "domestic terror threat", making them potential targets for assassination , secret arrest, extraordinary rendition, indefinite detention and "enhanced interrogation".  The troops we claim to honor are giving their lives to protect our freedom.  They are forced to spend the best years of their lives away from their families, communities, and country.  When they finally return home, they're psychologically abandoned and considered potential terrorists.  Its easy to say you support the troops but until we admit these harsh truths and take action, the words ring hollow.  Maybe Ron Paul was trying to say something about our culture of glorifying violence.  In 20 years, will we have drone operators writing books and going on TV talking about how many people they've bombed?  Blessed be the peace makers.  Assassins aren't heroes, doesn't matter who they work for.

Chris Kyle has no regrets over his first kill, an Iraqi woman with a baby in one hand and a grenade in the other.  He offers these words of wisdom: "violence does solve problems" and "There are certain things that need to be done to take care of them [Iraqis]"

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