About Me
- Durt
- An ardent constitutionalist who believes that any nation with a powerful central government and no governing document is nothing more than AUTHORITARIANISM. I want to point out the duplicitous nature of DC, and the merits of individual liberty.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Dollar daze
This news link http://tiny.iavian.net/uh0 was sent from a friend. Download Free Drudge Report from Android Market
Monday, April 1, 2013
Dollar Daze
This news link http://tiny.iavian.net/tin was sent from a friend. Download Free Drudge Report from Android Market
Thursday, March 28, 2013
daily durt
Chaos on Staten Island
Unlike with Katrina, these residents have already been disarmed
More South American Death Squads
Just when you thought that Obama and Regan had no similarities
The Cyprus Trend
Not only a test case for currency controls but also a scare tactic aimed at Americans.

Cyprus banks reopen, with strict restrictions...
€300 daily withdrawal limit...
No money allowed to leave country...
Russia to ban cash transactions over $10,000...
Security tight as tension runs high...
Stock exchange still closed...
FABER: Not Even Gold Will Save You From What is Coming...
Bitcoins explode...
Unlike with Katrina, these residents have already been disarmed
More South American Death Squads
Just when you thought that Obama and Regan had no similarities
The Cyprus Trend
Not only a test case for currency controls but also a scare tactic aimed at Americans.
Cyprus banks reopen, with strict restrictions...
€300 daily withdrawal limit...
No money allowed to leave country...
Russia to ban cash transactions over $10,000...
Security tight as tension runs high...
Stock exchange still closed...
FABER: Not Even Gold Will Save You From What is Coming...
Bitcoins explode...
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Monday, March 18, 2013
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Monday, February 25, 2013
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
daily durt
How long will the Dollar last?
DHS blamed Hurricane Sandy among other things for the lack of enforcement.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Friday, February 8, 2013
daily durt
Police helicopter lands to harass hiker
Woman hiking by herself in the middle of nowhere "exploring and picking up rocks" elicits a helicopter "raid" of sorts and a warrant-less search of her person and belongings.
Florida police establish checkpoints for revenue collection
To search for "bad tires, bad brakes, lighting malfunctions, license violations" and, of course, issue fines.
On subway NYPD watch while man fends off knife-attacker
Officers' reasoning was that they though the attacker may have had a gun.
Media pundits (Sean Hannity) who loved Bush's torture policy are now arguing that indefinite detention and torture are great, assassination is tyrannical. "The only thing being tortured here is reason." "Who's lives are they saving?" David Knight
Woman hiking by herself in the middle of nowhere "exploring and picking up rocks" elicits a helicopter "raid" of sorts and a warrant-less search of her person and belongings.
Florida police establish checkpoints for revenue collection
To search for "bad tires, bad brakes, lighting malfunctions, license violations" and, of course, issue fines.
On subway NYPD watch while man fends off knife-attacker
Officers' reasoning was that they though the attacker may have had a gun.
Media pundits (Sean Hannity) who loved Bush's torture policy are now arguing that indefinite detention and torture are great, assassination is tyrannical. "The only thing being tortured here is reason." "Who's lives are they saving?" David Knight
The Coming Drone War
Thursday, February 7, 2013
daily durt
Florida police want drones for crowd control
"recovery" stastics
MSNBC: “I Love the CFR” (infowars)
A perfect example of the corporate medias CFR psyop occurred this morning during a segment on MSNBC’s Morning Joe when a guest from Politico revealed (a few hours before the CFR itself announced it) that Geithner was joining the group.
After being told the news, the hosts, including the daughter of globalist godfather Zibgniew Brzezinski, can be heard jumping with joy and then immediately attempting to downplay the CFR by making fun of those who have spoken out against the organizations stated goals which include the loss of US sovereignty in favor of a one world order.
After making a joke about the CFR presidents eating habits as if he really doesn’t do anything important, the hosts went on to not only shill for the group but to reveal their absolute love for the globalist organization.
“People always tell me oh the CFR, one world government, international conspiracy… Its like I’ve been over there man, they can’t even get my sandwich order right, there is no international plot.”
“Its a lovely place.”
“I love the CFR!”
“I do too.”
If anything, the above mentioned segment on MSNBC was at least transparent, with the hosts openly worshiping the group and, in turn, letting the American people know who they actually work for.
"recovery" stastics
MSNBC: “I Love the CFR” (infowars)
A perfect example of the corporate medias CFR psyop occurred this morning during a segment on MSNBC’s Morning Joe when a guest from Politico revealed (a few hours before the CFR itself announced it) that Geithner was joining the group.
After being told the news, the hosts, including the daughter of globalist godfather Zibgniew Brzezinski, can be heard jumping with joy and then immediately attempting to downplay the CFR by making fun of those who have spoken out against the organizations stated goals which include the loss of US sovereignty in favor of a one world order.
After making a joke about the CFR presidents eating habits as if he really doesn’t do anything important, the hosts went on to not only shill for the group but to reveal their absolute love for the globalist organization.
“People always tell me oh the CFR, one world government, international conspiracy… Its like I’ve been over there man, they can’t even get my sandwich order right, there is no international plot.”
“Its a lovely place.”
“I love the CFR!”
“I do too.”
If anything, the above mentioned segment on MSNBC was at least transparent, with the hosts openly worshiping the group and, in turn, letting the American people know who they actually work for.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Ron Paul quotes Jesus, Chris Kyle channels Caligula
"He that lives by the sword, dies by the sword"
Reminiscent of getting booed for talking about the Golden Rule, Ron Paul is catching some heat for speaking unpopular truths. He made a career of telling people things they would rather not hear. Its easy to say we support the troops, but people don't want to hear the veterans are committing suicide in record numbers. 22 per day on average. Its also worth noting that the Department of Homeland Security has made it clear numerous times that veterans are the new "domestic terror threat", making them potential targets for assassination , secret arrest, extraordinary rendition, indefinite detention and "enhanced interrogation". The troops we claim to honor are giving their lives to protect our freedom. They are forced to spend the best years of their lives away from their families, communities, and country. When they finally return home, they're psychologically abandoned and considered potential terrorists. Its easy to say you support the troops but until we admit these harsh truths and take action, the words ring hollow. Maybe Ron Paul was trying to say something about our culture of glorifying violence. In 20 years, will we have drone operators writing books and going on TV talking about how many people they've bombed? Blessed be the peace makers. Assassins aren't heroes, doesn't matter who they work for.
Chris Kyle has no regrets over his first kill, an Iraqi woman with a baby in one hand and a grenade in the other. He offers these words of wisdom: "violence does solve problems" and "There are certain things that need to be done to take care of them [Iraqis]"
Reminiscent of getting booed for talking about the Golden Rule, Ron Paul is catching some heat for speaking unpopular truths. He made a career of telling people things they would rather not hear. Its easy to say we support the troops, but people don't want to hear the veterans are committing suicide in record numbers. 22 per day on average. Its also worth noting that the Department of Homeland Security has made it clear numerous times that veterans are the new "domestic terror threat", making them potential targets for assassination , secret arrest, extraordinary rendition, indefinite detention and "enhanced interrogation". The troops we claim to honor are giving their lives to protect our freedom. They are forced to spend the best years of their lives away from their families, communities, and country. When they finally return home, they're psychologically abandoned and considered potential terrorists. Its easy to say you support the troops but until we admit these harsh truths and take action, the words ring hollow. Maybe Ron Paul was trying to say something about our culture of glorifying violence. In 20 years, will we have drone operators writing books and going on TV talking about how many people they've bombed? Blessed be the peace makers. Assassins aren't heroes, doesn't matter who they work for.
Chris Kyle has no regrets over his first kill, an Iraqi woman with a baby in one hand and a grenade in the other. He offers these words of wisdom: "violence does solve problems" and "There are certain things that need to be done to take care of them [Iraqis]"
Sunday, February 3, 2013
daily durt
DOW Euphoria Debunked
Yet again, measuring assets in the cost of gold and silver paint a starkly different picture than dollar cost. Who says theres no inflation?
Stop Drinking Fluoride!
Let's put to rest this misguided notion that the government goes out of its way to ensure our dental health.
This Super Bowl has Been Brought to You by the Department of Energy
Vigilante Militias Fight Crime in Rural Mexico
Yet again, measuring assets in the cost of gold and silver paint a starkly different picture than dollar cost. Who says theres no inflation?
Stop Drinking Fluoride!
Let's put to rest this misguided notion that the government goes out of its way to ensure our dental health.
This Super Bowl has Been Brought to You by the Department of Energy
Vigilante Militias Fight Crime in Rural Mexico
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Why Capitalism and the Constitution have Failed
Lets Give Up on the Constitution
First off, and most importantly, it's over 200 years old!
It was written by a bunch of rich, white slave owners, who had no concern for the common man and no idea what life would be like today. Technology and intellect have lifted us beyond the need for these arcane rules. As I regularly tweet: "2nd amendment was written with muskets in mind"
Second, there is all kinds of neat stuff the government want s to do and this stupid piece of paper keeps getting in the way.
Obama just wants to take care of us and keep us safe. These stupid republicans keep talking about some stupid, outdated document and that's the only reason that we aren't living in a utopia today.
Third, it is written in a way that is impossible to understand.
How are we supposed to follow something that is practically written in Chinese? They use all these strange words that make no sense. Certainly nothing I learned in public school. Plus its long and boring. So boring I've never even read it.
Fourth, it's racist!
That's right. Game, set, match.
Capitalism is Designed to Exploit the Working Class
First, greed is bad.
The idea that "greed is good" is the most offensive, illogical piece of rhetoric you will ever hear. How can anyone think it is justifiable to act in their own self-interest? Greed is bad, selfishness is bad, generosity and charity are good. That is why we should force everybody to sacrifice excessive wealth for the good of society. Millionaires and billionaires (aka people with a job) made their money cheating the system and exploiting workers and tax payers. They should be required to return those ill-gotten gains to the society which they exploited.
Second, people can't be trusted to make their own decisions on how they spend their money.
Let's be honest. People are stupid. Their ignorance supports socially destructive businesses. Whether they are shopping at human-rights-abusing Wal-mart or eating animal-rights-abusing farm products. They also don't know whats best for them. Without regulation, they would get ripped off by banks and destroy their health with drugs and junk food. Society is on the hook for the consequences of these poor decisions so its up to the government to minimize the damage that people can do to themselves.
Third, labor unions and government regulation are necessary to a safe, equitable work environment.
Working people are dependent having a job for income. Rich, bourgeois employers hold all the cards. The only reason that working people aren't subjected to slave-like conditions is because of the minimum wage laws. Labor unions are the only reason that workers can earn anything above minimum wage. People would be forced to stay in abusive, dangerous, and low paying jobs with no benefits if it was not for labor unions and government regulation. Who needs free will when you get a fat check?
Fourth, capitalism is unfair because rich people dominate the market and create monopolies.
We need the government to enforce anti-trust laws to prevent big corporations from cornering the market and gouging prices after there are no alternatives available. We need intellectual property laws to keep the greedy corporations from exploiting art and literature created by the people. We need patent protection so that inventors can profit from their ideas without having them stolen. Rich people steal all their ideas from the working class! Its not fair!
We Already Abandoned Capitalism and the Constitution, Long Ago
People always talk about the constitution being 200 years old as if that in itself justifies ignoring the foundation for our legal system. They must not realize that the alternative, rule by decree of the authorities, is far, far older. These people do not propose amending the constitution, or coming up with something better, only ignoring it. Lucky for them, our government has been ignoring the constitution basically since its inception. The Constitution is supposed to place restraint on the government in order to protect the rights of the people. That idea has been turned on its head. Government authorities and politically connected individuals are exempt from the rule of law, while common people are forced to abide by arbitrary dictates with no regard to the rights and freedoms that are supposedly protected by the constitution. We are threatened with outrageous fines and jail time for petty civil infractions. These types of laws would never be allowed in a true constitutional republic. Meanwhile, police routinely engage in brutality, politicians get away with bribery, extortion, and insider trading, and investment bankers have built a global empire based on fraud. Almost none of these individuals are ever subjected to punishment or forced to pay restitution.
John Adams ignored the constitution, which he helped to write, with the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 (fewer than 20 years after ratification of the constitution). This made it illegal to criticize the government, violation was punishable by deportation or death. So much for the First amendment. In 1913 the Federal Reserve Act was passed and the 16th amendment was written. The Federal Reserve Act stripped Congress of its constitutional authority to coin money. Instead, every dollar in circulation today is a dollar which has been lent to the US government by the Federal Reserve WITH INTEREST. I wish more people don't ask the question "why do we have to pay interest on our own national currency?" The answer is simple. Our government has been hijacked by an international banking cartel since 1913. The 16th amendment was passed the same year. This implies that government is the primary owner of your labor, and they allow you to retain a percentage of the value created by that labor. Though this amendment was not ratified by the necessary number of states, and "income" has never been defined by the government, that doesn't stop the IRS from using deadly force or sentencing people to decades in prison for asking questions regarding the dubious law. Fewer than thirty years since the Fed's inception our country had two world wars, the worst economic depression the country has seen followed by the largest expansion of government ever with The New Deal. The government was also guilty of the confiscation of gold from private citizens and the inexcusable deployment of an atomic weapon on the innocent civilians of Japan.
These wars may have been constitutionally declared, but there is nothing constitutional about granting a monopoly power over the creation of money to private banks. Are we so naive to believe that politicians control all the levers of power when private bankers may create money without limit and distribute it to whoever they want? Money is power. It is well known that politicians are beholden to their "donors" but few look beyond the "front" corporations through which the Fed members funnel their political clout, ie fiat paper dollars. Many think the answer to this conundrum is more government! As if, somehow, granting more power to these sell-out representatives will truncate the influence of money on policy making. Especially tragic is the exploitation of our military service members. These brave souls wish to express their patriotism by doing what they believe is necessary to defend their country. Little do they know that war is always conducted in order to enhance the power of multi-national banks and corporations who in turn use that power to further undermine American sovereignty. Some pay for this misconception with their lives, others with their peace of mind. Nothing about these policies embody what I think of as American, which is to say, the principles outlined in the constitution.
Let's be honest. Everybody is in favor of freedom. Freedom isn't about lobbying Washington to coerce everybody to adhere to your values. Freedom is about living in a society of voluntary consent. With freedom comes responsibility. We should, without question, take responsibility for ourselves and we should have the compassion to voluntarily contribute to the welfare of the less fortunate. Capitalism is a combination of freedom and democracy. Every dollar spent is like a vote that is actually counted. In many ways, we can take this cue from our financial masters. Instead of buying favor from politicians, we should support socially responsible businesses. First we need to take the time and initiative to educate ourselves. On the other side of the coin, employees should exercise their freedom of choice and not work for abusive employers. The slave-like conditions I see occur when people have to work 3-4 months out of the year just to pay their taxes. This must be a big part of the reason that people sometimes feel trapped in their jobs. Minimum wage laws encourage complacency. People are "happy to get" minimum wage, even though it is not nearly enough to pay reasonable living expenses. What is the point of a minimum wage that places you far below the poverty line? No wonder so many people choose unemployment and welfare over temporary employment.
We delegate so many responsibilities to the government today. Every responsibility delegated to the government results in a false sense of security. Do we really think perpetual welfare helps underprivileged communities in the long term? Do we think the quality of care provided under Medicare is commensurate to the total cost? Do we really think that foreign aid is anything other than taking money from poor people in rich countries to send it to rich people in poor countries? Do we really trust the FDA to make sure that our food and drugs are not only "safe" but healthy? Do we really trust the EPA to protect the environment? If so, we're not paying enough attention.
The idea that government protects us from monopolies is absurd. Government itself is a political monopoly. Government's primary function has been to protect and enhance the power of monopolistic corporations. The more profit a corporation earns, the more influence it is able to buy from Washington. These powerful interests lobby for influential positions in the alphabet-soup agencies. They write laws and regulations to stifle competition while exempting themselves. This is not a free market, this is a pay-to-play economy. The more political influence these special interests obtain, the more we move from corporatism to fascism.
The idea that government protects us from monopolies is absurd. Government itself is a political monopoly. Government's primary function has been to protect and enhance the power of monopolistic corporations. The more profit a corporation earns, the more influence it is able to buy from Washington. These powerful interests lobby for influential positions in the alphabet-soup agencies. They write laws and regulations to stifle competition while exempting themselves. This is not a free market, this is a pay-to-play economy. The more political influence these special interests obtain, the more we move from corporatism to fascism.
Friday, February 1, 2013
daily durt
Military Servicemen Defend Second Amendment
So why should non-gun owners, a majority of Americans, care about maintaining the 2nd Amendment right for citizens to bear arms of any kind?
So why should non-gun owners, a majority of Americans, care about maintaining the 2nd Amendment right for citizens to bear arms of any kind?
The answer is “The Battle of Athens, TN”. The Cantrell family had controlled the economy and politics of McMinn County, Tennessee since the 1930s. Paul Cantrell had been Sheriff from 1936 -1940 and in 1942 was elected to the State Senate. His chief deputy, Paul Mansfield, was subsequently elected to two terms as Sheriff. In 1946 returning WWII veterans put up a popular candidate for Sheriff. On August 1 Sheriff Mansfield and 200 “deputies” stormed the post office polling place to take control of the ballot boxes wounding an objecting observer in the process. The veterans bearing military style weapons, laid siege to the Sheriff’s office demanding return of the ballot boxes for public counting of the votes as prescribed in Tennessee law. After exchange of gun fire and blowing open the locked doors, the veterans secured the ballot boxes thereby protecting the integrity of the election. And this is precisely why all Americans should be concerned about protecting all of our right to keep and bear arms as guaranteed by the Second Amendment!
Cui Bono? Not the average person.
Just ask Peter Schiff's father (in prison)
NDAA Commentary
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
daily durt
war profiteers
Despite Eisenhower's famous warning, many people are skeptical that war profiteers even exist, let alone shape policy and public opinion.
Should it be considered an act of terrorism to investigate factory farms?
The short answer is NO.
Another 5-year-old suspended for a LEGO "toy gun"
Bubble blower, LEGOs, paper, and fingers. These are the types of "guns" that have gotten children outrageous scrutiny over the past few weeks. Its not like these kids are making threats with realistic looking guns. Even the mention of the word "gun" is getting kids in hot water.
60 days in jail for rescuing a baby deer
Despite Eisenhower's famous warning, many people are skeptical that war profiteers even exist, let alone shape policy and public opinion.
Should it be considered an act of terrorism to investigate factory farms?
The short answer is NO.
Another 5-year-old suspended for a LEGO "toy gun"
Bubble blower, LEGOs, paper, and fingers. These are the types of "guns" that have gotten children outrageous scrutiny over the past few weeks. Its not like these kids are making threats with realistic looking guns. Even the mention of the word "gun" is getting kids in hot water.
60 days in jail for rescuing a baby deer
Monday, January 28, 2013
daily durt
More machine-gun-firing helicopters, now in Houston
Ending the article with the one guy who wasn't pissed: "if its to protect the children, Im all for it".
Obama Gives F16s to Military Dictatorship in Egypt
What had Mubark done wrong again?
Does this look like a good idea to anybody?
Ron Paul: "...may one day be used to keep us in" to a hail of ridicule from the press-titutes
Secret Service dog falls to death conducting security sweep for Biden
Ask yourself, is he really worth it?
Ending the article with the one guy who wasn't pissed: "if its to protect the children, Im all for it".
What had Mubark done wrong again?
Does this look like a good idea to anybody?
Ron Paul: "...may one day be used to keep us in" to a hail of ridicule from the press-titutes
Secret Service dog falls to death conducting security sweep for Biden
Ask yourself, is he really worth it?
daily durt
police brutality in Miami
what exactly is a "50 state cop"? cant have any local authorities with autonomy.
what exactly is a "50 state cop"? cant have any local authorities with autonomy.
More From Miami
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Econ day
Quid Pro Quo
Iceland's President : How the West can Recover
Darrel Hannan OWS Debate
Nassem Taleb Thinks Outside the Box
Thursday, January 24, 2013
daily durt
Smart-meter opponents arrested
So can we admit that we live under a Fascism when your property rights are voided if you subscribe to an indispensable utility?
LOL! Absurd fiscal reality.
Constitutional Sheriffs come out of the woodwork
Keep 'em coming!!! Checks and balances baby!
So can we admit that we live under a Fascism when your property rights are voided if you subscribe to an indispensable utility?
LOL! Absurd fiscal reality.
Constitutional Sheriffs come out of the woodwork
Keep 'em coming!!! Checks and balances baby!
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
daily durt
Asteroid mining project aims for deep space colonies
5 year old suspended for terrorism
Welcome to the United States of Hysteria
5 year old suspended for terrorism
Welcome to the United States of Hysteria
Friday, January 18, 2013
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Find Out if YOU are a Potential Terrorist
As if the Patriot Act wasn't bad enough, classifying protesters as terrorists and placing them on a list for warrant-less government surveillance, the NDAA takes it about a million steps farther and made it "legal" (if you're one of these people who thinks we shouldn't have a constitution) for the Federal government to subject you to a ridiculous barrage of nasty treatment that has unfortunately come to define American exceptionalism in the Obama (and Bush) era.
First, lets look at what has been established as acceptable treatment for "suspected terrorists":
1.) Assassination. As with Al-Awlaki and his 16 year old son (who's only crime was "having an irresponsible father" according the the White House). That'll teach him what happens when you make some trifflin' ass YouTube videos. We'll merc your seed just to prove a point.
2.) Secret arrest by the military, followed by indefinite detention in a military facility, no charges, no trial, no phone call, you wanna lawyer? Take it away Lindsey!
3.) You may just luck out and rot away in an military prison in America OR you may be shipped off to a foreign country. What has been obliquely dubbed "extraordinary rendition" (Here we always thought that special treatment was reserved for Afghanis.)
4.) Torture or copacetic interrogation or whatever you want to call it. A precedent set by the Bush administration, delegated to foreign governments by The Great One, glorified by the movie Zero Dark Thirty, and seen as pretty awesome by flag-humpers so long as the victims are maligned in the news
5.) After all that rigamarole, even if you NEVER WERE a threat in the first place AND you have contracted Stockholm Syndrome, you STILL may be considered "radicalized". These lucky few (actually probably the majority) are considered unfit to ever see the light of day, or at least without a whole mess of brainwashing. But hey, a lot of brainwashing never hurt anybody, just look around at the general public.
Pretty intense huh? Thank Jesus this treatment only applies to those degenerate-heathen-savages of the muslim persuasion. Our government knows that us white folk would never do anything cray. Huh? Bradley who? Oh snap! 1,000 days and counting with no trial, and inhumane conditions to boot? For leaking documents???? Reminds me of Aaron Schwartz (Rest In Peace). I guess the pasty-face is no longer a get-out-of-torture-free card. Truth is, Homeland Security declassified a report in 2009 which outlines the qualifications for being "suspected" of terrorism. (remember, suspicion is all it takes for you to get disappeared thanks to the NDAA). Let me share this with you.
*This is the fun part where you get to find out if you are a potential terrorist.*
References for this list here: http://www.wnd.com/2009/04/94803/ unless otherwise provided
Are/do you.....
1.) Opposed to abortion
2.) Opposed to illegal immigration
3.) A veteran (support the troops!!!! Until they come home apparently)
4.) Buy weapons and ammo "in anticipation of a ban" in some parts of the country
5.) Support 3rd party political candidates
6.) Right-wing
7.) Christian
8.) Oppose Federal taxes
Believe in the following "conspiracy theories"
9.) Gun confiscation
10.) Citizen detention (FEMA) camps (Emergency Centers Establishment Act) (PLEASE READ THIS ONE > Camp "Freedom" Hurricane Sandy)
11.) One world government (We Need a Global Carbon Tax-WSJ) (Global Internet Treaty)
12.) "Stockpile" food (7 days worth)
First, lets look at what has been established as acceptable treatment for "suspected terrorists":
1.) Assassination. As with Al-Awlaki and his 16 year old son (who's only crime was "having an irresponsible father" according the the White House). That'll teach him what happens when you make some trifflin' ass YouTube videos. We'll merc your seed just to prove a point.
2.) Secret arrest by the military, followed by indefinite detention in a military facility, no charges, no trial, no phone call, you wanna lawyer? Take it away Lindsey!
4.) Torture or copacetic interrogation or whatever you want to call it. A precedent set by the Bush administration, delegated to foreign governments by The Great One, glorified by the movie Zero Dark Thirty, and seen as pretty awesome by flag-humpers so long as the victims are maligned in the news
5.) After all that rigamarole, even if you NEVER WERE a threat in the first place AND you have contracted Stockholm Syndrome, you STILL may be considered "radicalized". These lucky few (actually probably the majority) are considered unfit to ever see the light of day, or at least without a whole mess of brainwashing. But hey, a lot of brainwashing never hurt anybody, just look around at the general public.
Pretty intense huh? Thank Jesus this treatment only applies to those degenerate-heathen-savages of the muslim persuasion. Our government knows that us white folk would never do anything cray. Huh? Bradley who? Oh snap! 1,000 days and counting with no trial, and inhumane conditions to boot? For leaking documents???? Reminds me of Aaron Schwartz (Rest In Peace). I guess the pasty-face is no longer a get-out-of-torture-free card. Truth is, Homeland Security declassified a report in 2009 which outlines the qualifications for being "suspected" of terrorism. (remember, suspicion is all it takes for you to get disappeared thanks to the NDAA). Let me share this with you.
*This is the fun part where you get to find out if you are a potential terrorist.*
References for this list here: http://www.wnd.com/2009/04/94803/ unless otherwise provided
Are/do you.....
1.) Opposed to abortion
2.) Opposed to illegal immigration
3.) A veteran (support the troops!!!! Until they come home apparently)
4.) Buy weapons and ammo "in anticipation of a ban" in some parts of the country
5.) Support 3rd party political candidates
6.) Right-wing
7.) Christian
8.) Oppose Federal taxes
Believe in the following "conspiracy theories"
9.) Gun confiscation
10.) Citizen detention (FEMA) camps (Emergency Centers Establishment Act) (PLEASE READ THIS ONE > Camp "Freedom" Hurricane Sandy)
11.) One world government (We Need a Global Carbon Tax-WSJ) (Global Internet Treaty)
US Military under NATO/UN authority!
If you're not a terrorist yet, don't feel left out. That is just one document released by one agency. There is almost a countless number of mainstream beliefs and activities that may qualify you for that free vacation to Yemen: http://www.infowars.com/you-are-a-terrorist/ All of you activists, travellers, coin collectors, loners, photographers, nice average-looking guys in levi's who may or may not use a cell phone (the list is endless), we are all a part of the potential terrorist club. So the next time you're at Wal-Mart and the TV screen at the checkout is telling you to report suspicious activity (if you haven't seen these, I have), remember, if you're not a spy for the feds, you're probably a terrorist. Smile for the camera!
daily durt
50 bad signs
While I dont think most of these apply to the title and lead-in, there are some disturbing facts here.
More Sheriffs continue to stand up
Talk to your Sheriff, even if it's just an email, and share this information with him
Assault Weapon Semantics
Much ado about nothing. The 10 round requirement would apply to a vast majority of guns.
FBI's Paper Tiger Domestic Terror Threat
More evidence that the vast majority of terror threats are concocted by those charged with fighting terrorists. Another example of how the government creates the perception of its own necessity.
While I dont think most of these apply to the title and lead-in, there are some disturbing facts here.
More Sheriffs continue to stand up
Talk to your Sheriff, even if it's just an email, and share this information with him
Assault Weapon Semantics
Much ado about nothing. The 10 round requirement would apply to a vast majority of guns.
FBI's Paper Tiger Domestic Terror Threat
More evidence that the vast majority of terror threats are concocted by those charged with fighting terrorists. Another example of how the government creates the perception of its own necessity.
Michael Savage Warns about Flu Shot
Natural Flu Treatments
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
daily durt
Third Sheriff Refuses to Enforce Unconstitutional Gun Laws
Kentucky and Oregon Sheriffs and a Chief of Police in Pennsylvania have come out in defense of the Second Amendment
"He's Not a King"
Finally! Texas Congressman Threatens Obama with Impeachmet
What has taken so long?
Obama's Executive Orders on Gun Control
This seems like a bunch of nothing (although its creepy to ask doctors to spy on their patients about gun ownership #17). I'm starting to believe that the whole debate is intended as a distraction. Otherwise the Mainstream Media wouldnt be talking about it.
Kentucky and Oregon Sheriffs and a Chief of Police in Pennsylvania have come out in defense of the Second Amendment
"He's Not a King"
Finally! Texas Congressman Threatens Obama with Impeachmet
What has taken so long?
Obama's Executive Orders on Gun Control
This seems like a bunch of nothing (although its creepy to ask doctors to spy on their patients about gun ownership #17). I'm starting to believe that the whole debate is intended as a distraction. Otherwise the Mainstream Media wouldnt be talking about it.
My Representatives' responses to NDAA inquiry
POLITICS: The art of speaking without saying anything.
Governor of Michigan Rick Snyder: Politician
Assistant: No Comment
Federal Senator Carl Levin: Treasonous
Armed Services Commitee Chairman and sponsor of the NDAA (aren't we Michiganders lucky)
Assistant: The senator does not believe that the "indefinite detetntion" provisions of the NDAA place American citizens in danger. However the Senator himself can be seen here sounding very concerned about the application to American citizens
Federal Congressman Tim Walberg: Statesman
Assistant: The Congressman voted "NO" to NDAA and is "pro gun-rights"
State Senator Randy Richardville: Politician
As majority leader, he effectively killed the NDAA nullification bill after it was passed unanimously (107-0) by the house by pulling it from the adgenda before the final vote could be taken
Assistant: The Senator pulled the bill due to time constraints and a lack of familiarity with the resolution. If the resolution is reintroduced, the Senator would "likely" be in favor.
Waiting for a Reply from State Rep Nancy Jenkins......More to come
Governor of Michigan Rick Snyder: Politician
Assistant: No Comment
Federal Senator Carl Levin: Treasonous
Armed Services Commitee Chairman and sponsor of the NDAA (aren't we Michiganders lucky)
Assistant: The senator does not believe that the "indefinite detetntion" provisions of the NDAA place American citizens in danger. However the Senator himself can be seen here sounding very concerned about the application to American citizens
Federal Congressman Tim Walberg: Statesman
Assistant: The Congressman voted "NO" to NDAA and is "pro gun-rights"
State Senator Randy Richardville: Politician
As majority leader, he effectively killed the NDAA nullification bill after it was passed unanimously (107-0) by the house by pulling it from the adgenda before the final vote could be taken
Assistant: The Senator pulled the bill due to time constraints and a lack of familiarity with the resolution. If the resolution is reintroduced, the Senator would "likely" be in favor.
Waiting for a Reply from State Rep Nancy Jenkins......More to come
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Monday, January 14, 2013
daily durt
More murders in Chicago than allied deaths in Afghanistan
War zone?
DNA used to track dog owners who dont pick up their dog doo
Big Boi voted for Gary Johnson, you know
These eloquent and politically savvy rappers should speak up and share their knowledge outside of their lyrics.
Patriot Kentucky Sheriff: I Will Not Enforce Federal Gun Grabbing Laws
War zone?
DNA used to track dog owners who dont pick up their dog doo
Big Boi voted for Gary Johnson, you know
These eloquent and politically savvy rappers should speak up and share their knowledge outside of their lyrics.
Patriot Kentucky Sheriff: I Will Not Enforce Federal Gun Grabbing Laws
Saturday, January 12, 2013
daily durt
Orlando police to employ surveillance drones:
Thousands of cameras on red lights and street lamps arent enough to "keep us safe". Spokesperson pretty much refuses to answer any questions other than to say: they wont be used to spy on citizens. How long untill the OPD wants to use these? http://entertainment.msn.com/videopreview2/?channelindex=2&from=en-us_msnhp#/video/eca94846-ba4a-4889-9470-253b1e414c6c
Video on the bailout and our fraud-based economy:
Corporate welfare, like our foreign policy, has bi-partisan support. Corporations are they only "people" that our government seems to care for.
Hospitals crack down on "refusers:
Another group of skeptics being labelled with a derragatory one-word label. Let the sub-cutaneous invasion of privacy begin! http://seattletimes.com/html/localnews/2009841208_webdui10m.html That means WITH A NEEDLE and AGAINST YOUR WILL folks. Sherrif Richard Mack, in his book The County Sheriff, America's Last Hope, describes one of these situations when a person was held down by four cops while a fifth uses a needle to extract blood. But hey, I guess its better than using their gun.
Thousands of cameras on red lights and street lamps arent enough to "keep us safe". Spokesperson pretty much refuses to answer any questions other than to say: they wont be used to spy on citizens. How long untill the OPD wants to use these? http://entertainment.msn.com/videopreview2/?channelindex=2&from=en-us_msnhp#/video/eca94846-ba4a-4889-9470-253b1e414c6c
Video on the bailout and our fraud-based economy:
Corporate welfare, like our foreign policy, has bi-partisan support. Corporations are they only "people" that our government seems to care for.
Hospitals crack down on "refusers:
Another group of skeptics being labelled with a derragatory one-word label. Let the sub-cutaneous invasion of privacy begin! http://seattletimes.com/html/localnews/2009841208_webdui10m.html That means WITH A NEEDLE and AGAINST YOUR WILL folks. Sherrif Richard Mack, in his book The County Sheriff, America's Last Hope, describes one of these situations when a person was held down by four cops while a fifth uses a needle to extract blood. But hey, I guess its better than using their gun.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Assault on Free Thought
“Politics and the English Language,” “is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable.” ~ George Orwell in his 1946 essay
Our government has a very firm understanding of the importance of language in a bill's name. In our sound-byte culture, if you can win the approval of the public with a catchy, emotional title, the substance of the bill will undergo very little scrutiny. Misnomers are regularly applied to atrocious legislation and this goes almost entirely unchallenged. My favorite is the "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing the Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism" Act. What a profound coincidence that this just so happens to spell out USA PATRIOT Act. This bill, like most controversial ones, was not only misnamed, but also introduced moments before the vote on its passage, making it impossible for representatives to read, let alone debate, the content of the bill. Turns out, a more appropriate name would have been "Repeal the Fourth Amendment Act"...more accurate but not as catchy. In addition to the widely known effects on privacy rights, this bill also expands the definition of "terrorist" to include basically protesters who attempt to influence government policy, i.e., most protesters. [ http://www.aclu.org/national-security/how-usa-patriot-act-redefines-domestic-terrorism ] This tactic is used in countless bills and has been picked up by the lap-dog media to shape the scope of language and debate in all aspects of society. This has been so commonplace that it would require the likes of a PhD dissertation to do anything more than scratch the surface.
This Orwellian tactic has deep roots. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was carefully worded. People of that day had a healthy skepticism of central banks so the framers were careful to avoid using the word "bank" anywhere near their legislation and subsequent central banking system. The Federal Reserve is neither Federal (it’s owned and operated by private banks) nor is it a reserve (it has nothing on reserve and "prints" or conjures up what money it uses). I personally would have named it ‘The Monopoly on Money Creation and Debt Enslavement Act’.
This banking cartel got one of its most ostentatious handouts with the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). Using a word like "troubled" hearkens to a misbehaving adolescent. Others have used the word "toxic" to refer to these same "assets" which is slightly more sincere but still misses the point. These were not really assets at all, they were designed to fail. The designers placed bets counting on this failure. The assets fail and the bankers collect. The bailout, "TARP", brought no "relief" to those who lost out on these transactions, just more windfall profits for the mega wealthy. Don’t forget this measure was passed even though about 85% of the public opposed it. So much for democracy! We were told that we were too dumb to understand the economy, we needed these wise, benevolent politicians to give us our bitter medicine, they know what’s best. This would be funny if it weren’t so sad.
The National Defense Authorization Act is a routine piece of legislation that permits funding of the military. I take serious issue with the idea that funding unprovoked wars of aggression all over the world has anything to do with national defense though the language is not my focus on this bill. This is a case of sneaking unpopular measures into routine bills, another popular form of deception. The 2012 version of this act contained "indefinite detention" provisions. These provisions allow for the indefinite detention of American citizens, on American soil, without charges or trial. The only justification necessary is that the government SUSPECTS that you might be a terrorist, or belong to "associated forces", or that you have provided "material support" to those forces. As we have seen, this includes peaceful protesters in America. We have also seen that being suspected of terrorism justifies "enhanced interrogation" better known as torture. Prominent journalists including Chris Hedges, Daniel Ellsberg and Noam Chomsky have filed a class-action lawsuit against the federal government. They believe that, as journalists, they may easily run afoul of this law simply by meeting or communicating with political dissidents (aka terrorists). [ http://www.ibtimes.com/ndaa-lawsuit-journalists-activists-challenge-government-vagueness-indefinite-detention-statute ] (Glenn Greenwald wrote a phenomenal article on this subject. http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/sep/18/obama-appeals-ndaa-detention-law )
This handful of examples proves, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that the government will use misleading language to justify gross violations of our civil liberties. The language used can be downright antithetical to its stated purpose or provisions in the bill may have absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the bill. The main purpose behind the title of a bill is to elicit emotion. This brings me to the impending Assault Weapons Ban. What is an assault weapon? Might this be another case of giving a bill a populist title and expecting the public to ignore the content? When most of us hear "assault weapon" we think of an AR-15 or an AK-47. The truth is, the proposed legislation goes much farther than banning AR-15s and AK-47s. The ban contains vague language that is designed to be interpreted differently and built upon as time goes by. So every regulatory action that applies to "assault weapons" will undoubtedly be applied to every firearm.
This tactic has been used by many other governments over the years, most recently Australia's. These regulations include: an additional $200 tax on every firearm, requiring we ask permission to transport them across state lines, outlawing the private transfer of firearms, including inheritance, guns will have to be turned in to government upon the death of an individual. Even though the Supreme Court has recognized handguns as the natural choice for self-defense [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McDonald_v._Chicago ] the legislation also targets any handguns "capable of accepting more than ten rounds" which qualifies any pistol with a magazine. All of this preaching and lawmaking is being handed down to us by people who enjoy taxpayer funded, 24/7 armed security.
That is the intent of our leaders, to distract us with sensationalism and fear-mongering, and this tactic is all too common. Anything that can be used to assault someone could be considered an assault weapon. Rope was commonly used in homicides in antebellum. Chainsaws and other power tools have the ability to do a great deal of damage to a human body and they are commonly depicted as such in Hollywood movies. Fact is, these types of rifles in question are used in very few assaults. Guns are tools which greatly enhance your ability to defend yourself. Any tool in the wrong hands can be dangerous. It is estimated that 300 million guns are owned by US civilians; only 613 fatal gun accidents occurred in 2007, a rate of .000002 accidents per gun. [this site has a vast amount of non-partisan gun data: http://www.justfacts.com/guncontrol.asp ] This demonstrates the responsibility and caution exercised by legal gun owners. Diane Feinstein, the author of the Assault Weapons Ban (or the ‘Restricting your Right to Lawful Self Defense Bill’) has admitted that she has carried a firearm in the past. She managed to keep her gun from assaulting anybody, as do millions of responsible gun owners. She can be seen in this congressional testimony displaying the common-sense logic most people use when they decide to carry a gun. [ http://youtu.be/B1EObqM9Z0s ] Violent crime is a function of poverty and mental illness, not a function of gun ownership.
According to the FBI, "hands, fists, feet, etc." and "other weapon" are more commonly used in assaults than any type of firearm. Handguns are the most common murder weapon. [http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2011/crime-in-the-u.s.-2011/tables/table_19_rate_number_of_crimes_per_100000_inhabitants_additional_information_about_selected_offenses_2011.xls] So why do we classify semi-automatic rifles as assault-weapons when they are so rarely used in assaults? Based on the data, logic would have us classify hands and feet as assault weapons and handguns as murder weapons. This would be too transparent, it is more effective to focus on an object that is unfamiliar and spooky to the average person and not allow any debate to occur outside this constructed generality. If we allow politicians to determine what features qualify an object as an assault weapon we are sure to lose our right to reasonable self-defense.
Categorically labeling certain types of guns as assault weapons is nothing short of discrimination. We are seeing a rising trend in discrimination, an example being the Sandy Hook shooter having his DNA examined for the purposes of future genetic profiling [http://rebellionnews.com/freelance-writers/genetic-profiling-of-the-sandy-hook-shooting/ ]. This is obviously a bad idea, but what about the racial and gender profiling that has occurred expansively in the past? Mass shooters are almost always white males, sometimes obtaining their guns without background checks. Should we profile all white males who may or may not own a gun on the record? Try selling that idea to Washington!
We already require a federal background check for every firearm purchase, including muzzle-loaders and single-shot shotguns. There is no "gun show loophole". Individuals may sell guns to one another as they would in their homes. [ http://civilliberty.about.com/od/guncontrol/a/Gun-Shows.htm ] All commercial vendors are FFL licensed and you need a CCW license to purchase a firearm from these vendors. This requires you to take a class, pass a test, and pass a federal background check. If you have any history of violent crime or mental problems, you should not pass this background check. If those checks need to be more strenuous, improve them, do not take the rights of lawful citizens. Gun owners have a vested interest in keeping guns out of the hands of criminals. Unfortunately, criminals usually obtain their guns through illegal means and carry them regardless of liscensing and "gun free zone" restrictions. This is the difference between a lawful citizen and a criminal: criminals do not obey laws. Making more laws does not restrict those individuals who habitually break laws. This seems like common sense to gun owners but this is another bit of logic which the media purposefully ignores.
We are talking about prior restraint, punishment before a crime occurs. Should we exterminate all Pit-Bull dogs because the majority of the public regards them as dangerous and unnecessary? NO! This is America, we should have the freedom to exercise discretion and every individual should not be punished for the crimes of a few bad actors. This idea is antithetical to the principles of freedom and liberty. Millions of lawful citizens own guns for self -defense. Dangerous criminals who own guns for illegal purposes are already afoul of the law, they should be punished. Our prisons are over half-full of non-violent offenders. [http://www.hawaii.edu/hivandaids/America_s_One_Million_Nonviolent_Prisoners.pdf ]
I advocate civil punishments for non-violent offenders and stiff criminal penalties for violent ones. Prisons are intended to isolate dangerous persons from the general public, not victimize civil offenders. If we criminalize non-violent gun owners, this will only take more resources away from their rightful use: protecting our communities from violent criminals. Let’s be honest, the proposed Assault Weapons ban, when only applied to non-criminals, is a Defense Weapons Ban. We should empower more would-be victims to defend themselves and their families from the criminal element. The gun culture of America encourages responsibility and independence. This is the true reason that the State wants to eliminate it.
Monday, January 7, 2013
A Call To Action
Moral Imperative
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good
men do nothing.” ~ Edmund Burke
America is one of
the most diverse nations the world has ever known. Our history has manifested itself in the
anthropological blink-of-an-eye. Immigrants
from around the world have built our culture by taking the values and
traditions of their custom, and refining them through the expectation of a more
ideal life in their new home. As in the
natural world, diversity results in competitive advantage. That advantage became a tsunami of innovation
and production, dominating the world stage for over a century. We have been riding the momentum of that wave
for decades and as the waters recede we are faced with the stark reality that
our advantage has disappeared. The
diversity of our populace, which once formed a rich tapestry, now seems more
like a sinuous web, straining itself more with each passing day. No longer a melting pot, compartmentalization
has become the new norm. Purveyors of
vitriol, calling themselves journalists and politicians, exaggerate divisive
issues and stoke animosity, manufacturing conflict whenever possible. These puppets scramble to drown out or censor
the idea that we have more common interests than antagonistic ones. We are losing the battle against oppression:
as we squabble about birth control our system of fundamental rights is being
eviscerated. We are losing the battle
against evil: Christians and atheists look down their noses at one another,
each extolling his moral superiority while relishing the unfounded hatred of
those who may not agree. How did it come
to this? Where is the thread of
commonality that ran through the peoples of this once-proud nation? As we seek to advance American culture and the
human race as a whole, every individual has the responsibility to reject the
paradigm of hatred and fear toward our brothers and sisters. Let us not succumb to this tribalism, hiding
behind the façade of political party or social class.
Common sense morality is the
keystone of every legitimate religion and the foundation of every great
society. This moral code, also called
the natural law, is universal. It doesn’t
need to be translated because it exists on a higher plane than our language
operates. It has not been altered since
man transcended the cognition of beasts.
Every person believes him or herself to be a champion of this cause,
however justified. Every government
claims justification by this measure, though their actions rarely confirm their
rhetoric. People have settled into the
lackadaisical notion that moral responsibility can be delegated to the
government, the church, or to some grandstanding individual or group who
strikes a chord with them. Pay your
taxes and the government will propagate freedom and self-governance with a
fleet of drones and the threat of a nuclear arsenal. It sounds contradictory because it is. Give 10% of your income to the church and
they will not only feed, clothe, and shelter the indigent, they will also grant
you an eternity in paradise. It sounds too
good to be true because it is. Most
church-goers will gladly give large sums of money, but when it comes to actually
spending time, they are satisfied having spent only 1 hour a week in observance. Most grandstanders (union bosses, party
leaders, and other activists) are happy to take your money and your time. They will not ask you to use your brain, only
to place your body here or there, maybe hold a sign or chant a slogan. Well, the old adage is true, if you want something
done right you have to do it yourself.
These measures result in a diluted sense of satisfaction. If you remain insulated, no perspective is
gained. Strap on the yoke of initiative,
form a personal relationship with the causes that are important to you and make
them a part of your world.
We are, as a whole, a moral
people. Our government, despite all its
inadequacies, generally succeeds in propagating that morality and good will
domestically and internationally. The
only problem with this reality is that it exists only in the selective memory
of the general public. We are living in
an age of denial. Environmentalist charge the government with protecting the
environment, a worthy cause. They
readily overlook the fact that environmental protection agencies are run by the
biggest polluters, always exempting themselves, never achieving their stated
goals. Regular environmental
catastrophes are swept under the rug or ignored entirely. Animal rights
activists lament poor treatment and inhumane treatment of animals while the
institutionalized torture and degradation of human beings at the hands of the
American government goes unchallenged.
Christian activists expect the government to encourage the spread of
their religious values, supposedly: Peace, Love, and Forgiveness. Meanwhile they spew hate and fear at anybody
who does not align with their core beliefs.
They expect the government to rescue unborn babies from would-be
abortionists, while cheering the bombing and economic sanctions that have
killed countless children around the world.
Statists think it is our government’s job to spread liberty and freedom
to backwards savages living around the globe, whether they like it or not. Then they expect peace to emerge from a bomb. We bomb to install dictators, when their
usefulness has expired, we bomb again and put in a new guy. These actions are generally accepted by the
American public, always ignoring reality, rationalizing facts, never
At this period in our history we
are experiencing an advent of unbridled socialism. While capitalism has been adulterated beyond
recognition the past few decades, we have at least paid lip service to its
virtues. Things have changed. Successful individuals are demonized as
lecherous parasites as if every affluent person has obtained his wealth by some
sleight of hand, taking advantage of the working man. The only moral function of this wealth is to
benefit the collective. In reality,
there are countless flaws in collectivist logic. I challenge everybody to actually read Karl
Marx’s Communist Manifesto and defend it.
These arguments and ideals have not changed since its publication, nor
has their senselessness. Socialism seeks
to distribute wealth evenly but only succeeds in making everybody equally
impoverished. Collectivists believe that
the will of the individual is subservient to the good of the collective. This is how social engineers justify
atrocities inflicted on our fellow human beings who stood in the way of the
greater good, or maybe they were just trying to stand up for their individual
rights. This is the great, inevitable
fallacy of collectivism: when individual rights are contingent on the will of
social engineers, everybody’s rights, all rights, including the right to life,
are subjective.
We all have a duty, at this
moment in our history, to put aside our petty differences, to stand up together,
and demand our core rights be respected.
With all the good people in this country, it is inexcusable that our
representative form of government behaves in this manner. Whether you are a progressive or a
conservative, we can all agree that an out-of-control Federal government isn’t
good for anybody but the politically connected.
If we think that watching network news and showing up to vote fulfills
our duty as citizens, that’s probably because most of us went to public school. If we try to ignore what’s going on today or
to blame our state of affairs on “the other guys”, we will continue down this
road to serfdom. If we count on others
to take political action, our rights will disappear and ultimately we will only
have ourselves to blame. We must open
our eyes FULLY to the present situation and take REAL steps toward a better
Depending on how you see it,
human consciousness is either the most advanced product of evolution or the
greatest gift from God. Our senses, our
emotions, and our morality are those gifts which define us as human. To ignore parts of reality because they are
unsettling is to suppress your humanity.
You cannot know Love without compassion and you cannot know compassion
without pain. Embrace these emotions,
however negative: THEY ARE A CALL TO ACTION. Fight for the rights of your
neighbors, across the street AND across the ocean. We are lucky to have the freedom of
expression in this country (for now) and we have an absolute moral imperative
to use our gifts to stand up to the dismal tide of authoritarianism.
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